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From rebel to trend? Open source is very popular





Open source (OS) is big business. Originally viewed as a rebel of the IT industry, it is now recognized not only by individual developers and small communities of programmers, but also by global corporations who have now realized that it makes commercial sense to embrace this approach.

Accenture, Intel, and Microsoft are just a few of the big companies that have embraced this approach to capitalize on the growing adoption of open source (OS). The approach has evolved to the point where vendors are now collaborating, developing common technologies and launching or implementing related initiatives. For example, the Soda Foundation, which aims to foster an ecosystem of open-source data management and storage software for data autonomy, counts among its members such industry innovators as Fujitsu, IBM, NTT, Scality, Seagate and Vodaphone.

We spoke to a number of industry experts and asked them: Have open source technologies paved the way for faster development of products and services? What advice would you give to a company looking to adopt open source storage? Are cyber threats a problem for companies that rely on open source storage software?

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